Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Who am I ?

I am what must it done. When I considered that is true, and others people are too then that's me. I have thousands ways to think what people's think, even more never thought it yet, why? since I knew who I am, acquaint one and understand what really am. Why do other people wicked to me? As I am not know myself yet. Why does my friends frequently mocking to me? cause I am not know myself yet. Why do my teacher often be angry with me? for I am not know myself yet. Why does my parents unseldom hitted me? becauseI am not know myself yet. If you want know them more over, so recognize your self. Evenmore if you want know your God, then mark at yourself first.....

acquaintance our selves means understand what be undergone at all and aware on their excistence. Knowing our selves in essence conscious thats human beings are small before the God and have same degree to others in front of their God. Our attitude are ours mind, and our thinks are views upon the things, and our views are measured as far we back know ourselves.

2 Komentar:

Anonymous Anonim mengatakan...

ku ga ngerti bgt bhs inggrisssssss....

12 Mei 2009 pukul 00.49  
Blogger yanuar pmr'06 mengatakan...

ya kita lagi belajar bahasa inggris....
klo da masukan saran saya sangat berterima kasih...
bdw kasih nama dunk, biar aku tau n ku balas koment...

17 Mei 2009 pukul 05.26  

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